Downtown Campus
Sundays at 9:15 am.
224 South Wood St. Neosho, MO 64850
This service is our classical worship service that runs roughly one hour and is full of liturgical elements, including a choir and organ. An average Sunday has a choir introit, call to worship, 3 hymns, choir anthem, scripture reading, and a 15-20 minute sermon. Sometimes we will have our handbell group, the Wesley Ringers lead us in worship. On the first Sunday of the month we take communion together as a community. Kiddos and Youth (pre-k - 8th grade) will be dismissed with the Kid’s and Youth Ministry volunteers for age-specific gatherings before the sermon and you can pick them up upstairs in the education wing following the service.
Westside Campus
Sundays at 10:45 am.
1111 N. Business 49 Highway, Neosho, Mo. 64850
This service is our modern service that takes liturgical elements and brings them into the 21st century. An average Sunday has a call to worship, 3 songs, communion, scripture, and a 15-20 minute sermon. Following communion, Kids and Youth are dismissed for age-specific gatherings with the Kid’s and Youth Ministry volunteers. Parents, grandparents and guardians can pick up the kiddos following service.
Serve on Sundays
If you are interested in serving on Sunday mornings, we’d love to have you! There are many different serving opportunities from serving in kids, choir, tech, hospitality, and many more. Fill out the form below and one of our ministry leaders will be reaching out!